Sir Michael Wood, KCMG
Sir Michael Wood, KCMG
Sir Michael Wood, KCMG
Sir Michael Wood, KCMG
Sir Michael Wood, KCMG
Sir Michael Wood, KCMG
For personal and academic use only
United Nations documents
Articles and books
“The European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism”, 1 Yearbook of European Law (1981)
Contributions to L.-E. Pettiti, E. Decaux and P.-H. Imbert (eds.), La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (1990; 2 nd ed., 2000)
“Legal Advisers at Permanent Missions to the United Nations”, in C. Wickremasinghe (ed.), The International Lawyer as Practitioner (2000)
“The United Kingdom and the divided Germany : the role of British lawyers”, in J.A. Frowein et al, (eds.), Verhandeln für den Frieden – Negotiating for Peace, Liber Amicorum Tono Eitel (2003)
“The Perspective of a Foreign Ministry Legal Adviser”, in M. Evans (ed.), International Law (2003) , available at:
“Northern and Western European Maritime Boundaries”, in D. Colson and R. Smith, International Maritime Boundaries, Vol. V (2005)
“Report No. 2-23, Honduras-United Kingdom (Cayman Islands” (with C. López Contreras), in D. Colson and R. Smith, International Maritime Boundaries, Vol. V (2005)
Various other contributions to D. Colson and R. Smith, International Maritime Boundaries, Vol. V (2005) and Vol. VI (2010)
“The Security Council as a Law Maker: The Adoption of (Quasi)-Judicial Decisions”, in R. Wolfrum and V. Röben (eds.), Developments of International Law in Treaty Making (2005)
“The United Kingdom’s Acceptance of the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice”, in O. Fauchald, H. Jakhelln and A. Syse (eds.), Festskrift til Carl August Fleischer (2006), reproduced in J.-P. Gauci and J. Barrett (eds.), Anthology of British Contributions to International Law 1915-2015 (2020)
“Nécessité et légitime défense dans la lutte contre le terrorisme: quelle est la pertinence de l’affaire de la Caroline aujourd’hui?”, in La nécessité en droit international : Société française pour le droit international, Colloque de Grenoble (2006)
“The Current Work of the International Law Commission and the Role of Judges in Relation to International Custom”, in L. Lijnzaad and Council of Europe (eds.), The Judge and International Custom (2016) (also as “Introductory Remarks” to Conference on “The Judge and International Custom”, 12 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (2013)).
“The role of the UN Security Council in relation to the use of force against terrorists”, in L. van den Herik and N. Schrijver (eds.), Counter-Terrorism Strategies in a Fragmented International Legal Order. Meeting the Challenges (2013)
“European perspectives on inter-state litigation”, in N. Klein (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Options (2014)
“Settlement of Disputes and Assistance Mechanisms. Comments”, in Journée d’études de Nanterre, Actualités des réserves aux traités (2014)
“Romania, the ICJ, and the 1989 Advisory Opinion concerning the Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (the Mazilu case): an outsider’s view”, in B. Aurescu (ed.), Romania and the International Court of Justice (2014)
“Custom’s Bright Future: The Continuing Importance of Customary International Law” (with O. Sender), in C. Bradley (ed.), Custom’s Future. International Law in a Changing World (2016)
“The emergence of customary international law: Between theory and practice” (with O. Sender), in C. Brōlmann and Y. Radi (eds.), Research Handbook on the Theory and Practice of International Lawmaking (2016)
“The CAHDI and the peaceful settlement of disputes”, in Council of Europe (ed.), The CAHDI Contribution to the Development of Public International Law: Achievements and Future Challenges (2016)
“Non-ingérence: frappez avant d’entrer” in H. Ascencio et al (eds.), Dictionnaire des idées recues en droit international (2017)
“Le rôle contemporain du droit international coutumier”, in M. Forteau and J.-M. Thouvenin (eds.), Traité de droit international de la mer (2017)
HALSBURY’S LAWS OF ENGLAND, 5 th ed., Vol. 61 ‘International Relations Law’ (2010, contributor); ‘International Law and Foreign Relations’ (2018, contributor)
“Diplomatic Law Today: Alberico Gentili Would not Have Felt out of Place”, in V. Lavenia (ed.), Alberico e Scipione Gentili nell’Europa di ieri e di oggi (2018)
“The Immunities of Members of Special Missions” (with A. Sanger), in T. Ruys, N. Angelet and L. Ferro (eds.), Cambridge Handbook on Immunities and International Law (2019)
“The ILA’s 2018 report on aggression and the use of force” (with N. Lubell), 6 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law (2019)
“Assessing Practice on the Use of Force” 79 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht/Heidelberg JIL (2019)
“The UN International Law Commission and Customary International Law”, in E. Cannizzaro (ed.), Gaetano Morelli Lectures Series (Vol. 3 – 2020), Discourses on Methods in International Law: An Anthology (2020)
“Introductions”, Parry, Fitzmaurice, etc., in J.-P. Gauci and J. Barrett (eds.) Anthology of British Contributions to International Law 1915-2015 (2020)
“Report Number 6-20 (5), Treaty between Australia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Establishing their Maritime Boundaries in the Timor Sea” (with S. Abayasekara, A. Telec and J. Whyatt), in C. Lathrop (ed.), International Maritime Boundaries, Vol. VIII (2020)
“International organizations and non-State actors in the International Law Commission’s conclusions on identification of customary international law” in S. Droubi and J. d’Aspremont (eds.), International organizations, non-State actors, and the formation of customary international law (2020)
“Customary International Law”, in [2018] Courses of the Summer School on Public International Law, vol. I (International and Comparative Law Research Center, Moscow, 2020)
“Compulsory Conciliation under UNCLOS: the Timor-Leste/Australia Commission’s Decision on Competence” (with E. Sthoeger), in V. Sancin (ed.), Theoretical and Practical Impressions of International Law, Liber Amicorum in Honour of Borut Bohte and Mirjam Škrk (forthcoming)
“Advisory Opinions in the UN Decision-Making Process” (with E. Sthoeger) in A. Skordas (ed.), Research Handbook on the International Court of Justice (forthcoming)
Three lectures on “The UN Security Council and International Law” (2006), being the Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures and available on the website of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge. An updated version of these lectures will be published by Cambridge University Press within the Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures series
“The use of force in 2015 with particular reference to Syria”, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 5 January 2016 (Hebrew University of Jerusalem Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 16-05), available at:
“Remarks on the importance of ‘teachings’ in international law, with particular reference to the Melland Schill Lecture Series”, Manchester International Law Centre, 1 February 2016, available at:
“Customary International Law and Human Rights”, 27 June 2016, EUI Working Paper AEL 2016/03 Academy of European Law, Distinguished Lecture Series, available at
Workshop contributions
Workshop on current relevance of the Mandate for Palestine: Israel Law Review 2018
Workshop on recognition: Israel Law Review 2019
“Sir Elihu Lauterpacht QC: the Practitioner as Publicist”, 3 Transnational Dispute Management, issue in honour of Eli Lauterpacht (2018)
Book forewords
“Foreword”, in: R. Gardiner, Treaty Interpretation (first ed., 2008)
“Foreword”, in: R. Caddell and R. Thomas (eds.), Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities (2013)
“Foreword”, in: J.A. Green, The Persistent Objector Rule in International Law (2016)
“Foreword”, in: P. Dumberry, The Formation and Identification of Rules of Customary International Law in International Investment Law (2016)
“Foreword”, in: B. Lepard (ed.), Reexamining Customary International Law (2017)
Book reviews
T. Meron, Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms as Customary Law (1989), 61 British Yearbook of International Law (1990)
J. Crawford, The Creation of States in International Law (2 nd ed.), 55 International and Comparative Law Quarterly (2006)
M. Matheson, Council Unbound: The Growth of UN Decision Making on Conflict and Postconflict Issues after the Cold War (2006), 101 American Journal of International Law (2007)
Brierly’s Law of Nations (7 th ed., by A. Clapham) and Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law (8 th ed., by J. Crawford), 107 American Journal of International Law (2013) (with O. Sender)
A.G. Oude Elferink, The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands: Arguing Law, Practicing Politics? (2013) 61 Netherlands International Law Review (2014)
H. Thirlway, The Sources of International Law, 4 Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (2015)
“Antony Rushford”, obituary in The Telegraph (2009)
“Sir Ian Sinclair, KCMG, QC”, 83 British Yearbook of International Law (with F. Berman) (2012)
“Sir John Freeland, KCMG, QC”, 85 British Yearbook of International Law (with F. Berman) (2015)
“Hugh Thirlway”, 89 British Yearbook of International Law (with F. Berman) (2019)
Entries in the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
- Collective Security (with E. de Wet)
- Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI) (with M.
- Final Act
- Helsinki Final Act (with D. Purisch)
- International Courts and Tribunals, Discontinuance of Cases
- International Seabed Authority
- Iraq, No-fly Zones
- Legal Advisers
- North Macedonia (with N. Pavlopoulos)
- Peace, Breach of
- State Practice (with O. Sender)
- Teachings of the Most Highly Qualified Publicists
- United Nations Administrative Tribunal, Applications for Review (Advisory
- United Nations Charter, Enemy State Clauses
- United Nations Security Council
- Use of Force, Prohibition of Threat
Contributions to the Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-determination (Encyclopedia Princetoniensis)
- Independence
- Non-interference
- Territorial integrity
Contributions to the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law (published online), including –
- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against
Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, Introduction
- Convention on Special Missions, Introduction
- Statute of the International Law Commission, Introduction
- The Interpretation of Security Council Resolutions Revisited (lecture)
- The Law on the Use of Force: what happens in practice (lecture)